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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Baby 7 Billion Born, Kim Kardashian's single again, Happiness makes you live longer, and B.I.F.'s

So the 7 Billionth Baby was born yesterday on Halloween.  I don't really know if it means anything that it was a Halloween baby but I do know this, people are living much longer nowadays.  It's either that or all these chicks like octomom having artificial inseminated sextuplets, septuplets, or octuplets causing this number to get from 6 billion to 7 billion this fast.  And how do they know for sure that was the 7 billionth child?  Like did the people who keep these stats go down to all these 3rd world countries and make sure kids aren't popping out? It's kind of fishy the kid is from the U.S.A.  And if you are the 7 billionth baby, do you get like a free cooler like if you are person number 1 million at a store?  The baby's name is Jasmine Marie Timberlake.  Is Justin Timberlake the father?  The chick doesn't look like his type though.  I don't believe the baby's going to grow up to look like the Jasmine from Alladin.  If she's anything like the mother, she would have the sweatiest, nastyest looking half cornrows ever.  The story.

Kim Kardashian and New Jersey Nets player Kris Humphries are officially over after 72 days.  I hope Kris gets some of Kim's money in the split up because he's jobless for right now because the NBA Lockout is still going on.

In other news, CNN is reporting that happiness is linked to longer life.  I have one thing to say about this.... NOOOOOOOOOOO KIDDDDDDING!

Tony LaRussa is retiring.  He is no doubt one of the greatest managers of all time but I don't believe he's the greatest of sports.  He lies about rain and turns a blind eye to steroids while in Oakland.  The dude should go into the Hall of Fame, but he should be criticized in some facets of his coaching. 

Some dude robbed a bank, confessed and then apologized to the teller... Read It.

Winner of the Day: 2 12-year old pranksters.  They pushed a cart off of a 4th floor walkway and hurt some woman.  They are charged with a felony assult with a deadly weapon.  I don't know why I put this as the winner of the day but I can't put it as loser of the day because I have something in mind.

Loser of the Day: Wally all remember Wally World?  Well look how ridiculous he is here. 
But I guess if I were him I'd dress like that to be with her too.

Quote of the Day: You got to be careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there. -Yogi Berra

Song of the Day: Two Princes by the Spin Doctors.

Acronym of the day: B.I.F. Short for Butt in front.  It's basically like that weird area in some women in the lower abdomen where the front looks like a butt. Very similar to the F.U.P.A. which is short for Fat Upper P**** (other way to call a cat a kitten as Naughty by Nature would call it) Area.


  1. Wally World!!!!!!!!! Miami Hawk's finest lol Come on, though! it's Halloween! and He actually does look like Superman!

  2. That older happy man in the photo should be used as a mascot in an advertisement for pops cereal. His teeth look like corn pops. "Gotta have my pops!" Also, I found humor in the fact that you were describing these women who keep popping out kids, and you used the term "fishy" to sum up the situation. Freudian slip???
