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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pet Peeves, McDonald's Menu Change, DeAngelo Fall, and Drugs and Caregiving

I apologize for the lack of blogging yesterday.  I was attending a funeral for the late, great, legendary Ron Losey.  Click this link if you'd like to read my personal obituary:  Now on to today's blog... one of my biggest pet peeves is heavy rain while waiting for the bus.  Now I love rain, well not rain really, more like thunderstorms.  I like to sit out on my back deck (covered) and watch the rain fall, but I hate it in the mornings. I wait for the bus daily, which already sucks but when it rains, it adds to the already cold wait.  I am not one who likes umbrellas but I had to use one today.  I used to wear a hood or hat, but my hair has begun to look absolutely ridiculous after putting something on my head.  There isn't much hair left so the stringiness of whats left flings all over the place so I have to improvise and lug around this massive umbrella.  Another one of my pet peeves is hair on the soap when I shower.  As far as I know it is not healthy for one to wash their hair with soap.  We use Dove which isn't really soap but more of a moisturizer but it's like butter and margarine, you still call margarine butter.Anyway, sometimes when I shower there are long, stringy hairs on the soap.  I don't get it.  Where do they come from?  Other pet peeves include people who wear pajamas out,
 women who fart, when people make ridiculous noises when they chew gum, cicadas, grown black men who don't have mustaches, 
babies who do not wear onezies, the word onezies, people who always try to get attention, wasp nests, cartoon remakes of live action movies, men who take their shirt off even when a situation is not warranted, people who shorten words like, "I'm going to smoke a cig." or "Could you hand me a chicken nug?," the amount of commercials in an NFL game, the fad of talking animal movies,
 Jerry Sandusky's interview with Bob Costas, people who still wear Tommy Hilfiger,
 the actual range of walkie talkies, people who attempt to grow facial hair and have no ability, the messiness of chicken wings, people on welfare who don't deserve it, horror movies that rip off other horror movies, horror movie franchises (i.e. Saw), Christmas music before Thanksgiving, Ru Paul, B list celebrities, Black Friday, improper grammar in facebook posts, people who look for pity parties on facebook, cross-eyed people,
 people who posts several photos of themselves in a row in the same picture on facebook, people who post pictures of babies over and over on facebook, people who use hashtags on facebook, and there are so many more but I have got to get to work so I must wrap this up.  That previous sentence may have been the longest sentence I have ever typed.  

Winner of the Day: Peggy Ballinger.  Who is she?  She somehow managed to be a careworker who fooled people and stole and used drugs.  The red flag for me would be the way she looks *The Story.*

Loser of the Day: DeAngelo Hall.  Remember him?  The guy Chad Johnson called DeAngelo Fall and had a couple good years in Atlanta and maybe a comeback year last year?  Well he told the Redskins to cut him because he's not worth his salary.  And I have to keep the old addage true... quitters never win. The Read.

Quote of the Day: "If you are afraid of failure you don't deserve to be successful."-Charles Barkley

Song of the Day: Tom Sawyer by Rush

Crazy McDonald's customer of the Day: Shanaya Edgell.  Here is an excerpt from the article which you can read here...

When Shanaya Edgell arrived early yesterday morning at a McDonald’s in Janesville, Wisconsin, she was expecting to order from the fast food joint’s regular menu--Big Macs, french fries, Chicken McNuggets, and the like.
Except it was around 3 AM and the restaurant had already switched over to its breakfast menu--hash browns, Egg McMuffins, hotcakes, and the like.
This enraged Edgell, according to Janesville Police Department officers, since she wanted a cheeseburger.
The 22-year-old--for some unexplained reason--turned on her boyfriend, biting him on the arm and tearing off his shirt. Darrell Page, 40, explained to a cop that Edgell “wanted a burger from McDonald’s,” so they drove to the restaurant--only to discover at the drive-thru window that the eatery “had stopped serving hamburgers and was now only serving breakfast.” Edgell, he added, “got upset because she did not want breakfast and only wanted a cheeseburger.”
She kind of looks like a mix of that Olympic chick who was busted for steroids, Marion Jones and Alicia Keyes.


  1. I have alot to comment on this one.

    First of all,YES!!! I love reading about someone's pet peeves' because I seem to always relate to them. As you know, I despise when people wear PJ pants out in public. I knew that would be one would be at the top of the list. I HATE the talking anymore movies. They. are. not. funny.

    Awesome song of the day.

    I can relate to Shanaya. I was out really late and I was starving and I wanted lunch really bad so i went to McDonalds at around 3 AM and they were serving breakfast as well. 3 AM is WAAAY too early for breakfast. 4:30AM I can KIND of understand but 3? that's when parties and stuff are just getting over with. I wouldn't have handled the situation the same way she did but I did give McDonald's a piece of my mind when I went to order lunch at 3 and they had breakfast. Breakfast is NASTY!

    Good blog today! :)

  2. I think McDonald's should have two counters, one for those who want breakfast, and one for those who want lunch. Both would be open 24 hours a day. Then you wouldn't have that problem. I love the part of that story where she for some unexplained reason bit her bf and ripped off his shirt.

    And I know about your PJ pet peeve. We've had many rants together about those people.

  3. You put your family on blast with the hairy soap talk. Also, this blog makes me realize that deep down you probably really hate me.

  4. I'm guilty of wearing my pj's out in public once in a great while....

    & I'm sorry but, every woman farts once in a while [as long as she does it with lady-like fashion, is it really a big deal?] Women are held to such high standards... But, men can can burp, fart, adjust, scratch their butt & it's cool. What's up with that??

  5. & also, I have my own soap. I do not share something so personal... Somebody else's hair on a bar of soap that you're rubbing all over your body... Gross!
