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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

More Jerry Sandusky bashing, life could end at any moment, spreading HIV, and a Latin King

The world in which we live is not so bad. I have been whiney in the past few blogs but there is no reason to be upset.  My issues are so minor in the scheme of things.  I look at those kids involved in the Sandusky case, and I sympathize with them because they will never have their innocence.  Their lives will be affected forever.  And now Sandusky said in an NBC interview with Bob Costas that he is innocent of all charges which is sickening.  If Sandusky had any integrity left at all he would apologize to these kids and admit guilt.  He admitted to horsing around with them which is an absolute joke.  There are accounts of oral sex, Jerry, seen on multiple occasions.  I hope he goes to one of the biggest gang affiliated prisons and the guards let it slip on what he's in for to these thugs and even if he is in an isolated unit, I want it to happen like the scene in American History X where the guard leaves the shower room for a small period of time, and this group of guys can rape him to a pulp and beat him to near death.  Then I picture blood mixed with water from his lip and cheek going down the drain as he struggles to move and he begins to drown in an inch of water.  That's just what I'm hoping.  Chances are he will never receive a punishment to fit a crime so heinous as this.  
Life is so short.  You never know when your last breath could be.  I had a friend lose a friend to suicide yesterday and it hit hard because I was in a silly little argument with a different friend of this friend, and it became so pointless after hearing this friend's news.  There are more important things in life than staying mad at someone.  Stay polite, even to your enemies.  There is good in everyone (except Sandusky and people like him) and sometimes people bury it to act hard or to fit in, but search for it inside your enemies because the reason you are enemies can't be as serious as life and death in most circumstances.  A lot of people argue for something and it ruins their friendship and 6 months later someone asks about it and they can't even remember what the fight was over.  Just apologize and get over it.  Don't talk behind people's backs either.  Please. Say only things you'd say to the person if they were present.  Be good to everyone and try your best not to leave mad, because what if that is the last time you see them?  No closure.

I promise I will get back to more light and funny stuff tomorrow.

Winner of the Day: Anyone who said 'no' to having sex with Andre "Gangsta of Love" Davis.  Yes that's his real nickname.  I don't think it is the NFL wide receiver or linebacker, Andre Davis.  The reason you win if you didn't have sex with the Gangsta of Love is because he has HIV and failed to disclose it to at least 12 women.  Gosh he is a gangster of love isn't he?  Wilt Chamberlain isn't impressed but that's just the 12 that came forward.  This charge could send him to prison for over 100 years.  Let's face it, the dude has HIV.  He won't last that long in jail.  If anyone has the ability to live that long, I don't think it's someone with HIV. The Story.

Loser of the Day: A head shop.  Some girl's boyfriend and an old owner of the store drugged this girl with fake marijuana and bath salts.  They then hid her in a laundry basket inside a closet.  She was hidden for over 12 hours until a customer saw her. The Story.
Here's Douglas Goins, the victim's boyfriend who is charged with this crime...

Quote of the Day: "You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough."-The Bellevue High School class of 2003 quote

Song of the Day: Last Kiss by Pearl Jam

Latin Kings mugshot of the day: Jeremiah Farmer. The Latin Kings are one of the most notorious gangs in America.  I'd like to see Sandusky attempt to fondle this dude.  He's too skinny to probably do anything, but it's a matter of his affiliations.

1 comment:

  1. If Sandusky does go to prison, it will be known why he is there. The guards and inmates make a point of letting it be known who the rapists & molesters are. He WILL suffer and suffer quite a bit. And if he lives thru the first round of it, he will be lucky. Inmates, which I happen to know several, have a real dislike for anyone who hurts women or children. I have heard the stories from the men who dealt with these kind of inmates. First hand accounts that scared me and actually made me almost feel bad for the bastards. Almost. He will be lucky if he is kept in solitary confinement. But they will get him. They always do I heard.
