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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spiking Candy, Living Life as a Musical, No Shave November, and Tebow gets Tebowed

So today is the second day of November and I notice more and more guys each year attempt to participate in No Shave November.  I noticed on a popular social network yesterday, that some women were participating.  I must say this is not a wise choice.  I've been pricked with the stub of women's leg hairs in the past and I was disgusted by that.  I'm not shallow or anything but I think women need to keep those legs as smooth as a baby's bottom.  Please ladies, do not participate in NO SHAVE NOVEMBER.  As I write this, I have been informed by my good friend April that you can help out a good cause while growing out your facial hair.  You can help raise awareness and money for Prostate Cancer.  The ladies had their breast cancer month last month and a lot respond, but men are different.  They don't like talking about that stuff.  They need to be made aware of the problem and what better way than to grow wonderful facial hair out!  Here's the story.

I have to talk about the Bengals for a minute because people are starting to make me mad. Bare with me ladies.  The Bengals are 5-2.  They may or may not make the playoffs and their schedule is easy.  But it doesn't matter.  Need I remind you that they were predicted to win only 3 games all year?  They surpassed that already.  Half the opponents they played went into the game thinking they were going to beat the Orange and Black.  The national media isn't sold on them yet, but they are crowning the Steelers which makes no sense.  They play all of the same teams except for two.  And last year the Bengals had one of the hardest schedules.  The Bengals may not make it to the playoffs, but if they do, Bengal haters please don't blame it on the schedule... it's not fair.  You can only play who's on the schedule.  

On a side note Carson Palmer got the Raiders to sign T.J. Houshmandzadeh.  It reminds me of last year when he kind of forced the Bengals to sign T.O.  I am glad he's gone because he sucks at GM as much as he sucks at QB.

Here's a ridiculous story... a pregnant woman was with her child and husband at a Hawaii Safeway, which is like the Krogers of the West.  She ate a sandwich while shopping and forgot to pay for it. She bought the other $50 worth of groceries.  It was an honest mistake yet the store chain had she and her husband arrested and her child put in protective services.  The lesson is wait to eat.  I mean when your hungry and shop for food it's not good anyway. Read Me.

In more local news a steroid ring was busted... No word yet on whether Albert Pujols was there. The Story. Here's the dude who apparently sold steroids to a bunch of high schoolers. 

This has nothing to do about any of that stuff but I've always thought it would be cool if for one day, I'd live my life as a musical.  I'd hire like someone to play music at random moments of the day and I'd start singing out of the blue about something that's going on.  I'd have to hire dancers dressed as common city folk to and they'd just join me in a choreographed dance.  That would be cool.  I've tried a day once where I tried singing everything instead of talking but that didn't work too well.  

Top 5 Musicals that I actually watched (Movies-non cartoon)
There may only be 5 total so give me a second to think.

5. Mary Poppins.
She invented a word and was the coolest nanny ever.  I haven't seen it since I was a little whipper snapper but I remember it being good. It stars Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke.

4. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Yes, it didn't stick at all to the book, but it's not about that.  It's about the awesomeness of Gene Wilder, and Pure Imagination.  It's about the goose that lays the golden egg.  It's about the music.

3. West Side Story.
It has the Jets versus the Sharks.  And yes gangs always dance and sing while they have beef with each other, but it's also a love story.  Ladies you'll love it.  You'll feel pretty and witty and gay if you watch it.

2. The Wizard of Oz.
Great songs throughout and a great overall movie. I would put it number one but I was a huge fan of number one as a kid.  I love the whole idea of black and white and color.  And those flying monkeys creeped me out when I was younger.  They are no match for the flying pigs of Cincinnati though.

1. The Sound of Music.
Yep. Julie Andrews makes it a second time.  Every song is amazing.  It won best picture.  The Von Trapps are a weird family but no match to Julie Andrews on staying in their shell. Plus music is in the title.

Winner of the Day: Joey Votto and Brandon Phillips.  Congrats to Joey on his first gold glove and Brandon on his 3rd.  I think Jay Bruce got jipped and Votto didn't actually deserve it but he's got a big name now so I guess that's why he got it.  Phillips earned his.

Loser of the Day: Someone who actually got a needle in their Halloween candy.  Yes.  It's usually just a myth but some girl got a needle in her Baby Ruth.  Police are unsure if it happened during manufacturing or if it was spiked.  The girl is a loser of the day because she's the first girl I've actually heard of that had this happen to her.  Read it here.

Quote of the Day: The superior man blames himself. The inferior man blames others. -Don Shula

Song of the Day: This Way by Dilated Peoples Featuring Kanye West

Taunt of the Day: Stephen Tulloch.  He made fun of Tebow by doing the Tebow craze pose after sacking the overrated quarterback.


  1. I am happy that you talked about no shave November because I totally think that hairy legs and arm pits is gross; so i totally agree with you!

    I opted out of 'no shave November' :)

  2. That's good to know assuming you are female. Who are you anonymous?

  3. Just do some FB creepin' :)

  4. Hey Tionna lol (I thought you were poopsoup though so now I'm back to square one on who that is).

  5. Carson and Housh the Douche. What a duo. I met Housh the douche in person and asked for an autograph and a photo and he treated me like dirt. From that day on he became Housh the douche in my eyes. Too big for his britches and he sort of looks like a bug or a praying mantis in the face, I can't quite put my finger on it. As you can see I am bitter. On another note, I never thought of the wizard of oz as a musical but I can see why you'd say that. Love that movie, have you read the book? It's way different but awesome. As for no shave November, I agree with you it's pretty gross for girls to openly participate. I think it's just an excuse for them to not have to do the upkeep while making a joke out of it, because then its not gross it's "wow she's badass she doesn't care what people think and she's funny too, what a catch!". I'm rambling. Good day sir! (willy wonka says this to Charlie right before he gives him the factory)

  6. Nope, its not Tionna :)

    Guess again!

  7. I'm impressed with your knowledge poopsoup, but you kind of gave away the fact that I do know you being from this area. T.J. was always nice to me. I met him a few times at AMC where I used to work. His wife and kids were always with him so I treated him like any other guest to the theater and he was always very nice. He does look like a praying mantis though. Who are you?

  8. okay anonymous give me some sort of hint!

  9. Nope - Keep on guessing. I'm a regular reader!

  10. Yes, you do know me. You also know about a million others too so this will not be an easy task. Especially if I start playing mind games with you. For example, did you know I love the Braves and my favorite movie is the hangover? My favorite beer is pbr. I was a ladybug for Halloween. I bet you have someone in mind but you see, I just made all that up. Do I feel like a creep, yes. Is this kind of fun in a strange way? Yes. Truth is, I like what you have to say and I enjoy putting my two cents in, but if you knew who I was my opinion wouldn't be as valuable. Kind of like a secret admirer, you can't wait til they write you again... Until you find out that they are uglier than dog shit. Not to say I am uglier than dog shit, or handsome/beautiful ect. When a villain finally takes their mask off, you're not so afraid and you may even be disappointed because they are not what your imagination hoped they would be,

  11. @Anonymous two more guesses other than the three above.. Jill? Mallory?

    @poopsoup you are confusing me i have no idea who you are but i appreciate your two cents on why you won't tell me. It makes sense I figured out Anonymous #2 and now he no longer comments. I appreciate that you read my blog, it just frustrates me that I don't know who my fans are. But yes not knowing is like when a luchidor gets unmasked in wrestling. Just tell me male or female please?

  12. And more guess... Elizabeth?

  13. I knew it! I was going to ask at lunch after I brought up Mindy's leg hair but I wasn't 100% sure!

  14. Do you remember how they treated Mulan when they discovered he was a she, or how Daniel was treated when they discovered Mrs. Doubtfire was actually a Mister?

  15. They both were celebrated homie

  16. Unless you can offer me a talking dragon, or to be the star of a children's tv show then I'm gonna have to keep you guessing.
