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Friday, November 4, 2011

Relationship Advice Column Edition 6: Game Playing, Top 5 Romantic Comedies and A Crazy Facebook Story

So if you really know me, you know my obsession with eye black.  If there's an excuse to wear it I will.  I'm a weekend warrior.  I play in recreational volleyball leagues, backyard football, and alumni basketball.  Shout out to the Blackout.  Why am I bringing this up on relationship advice day? And welcome back to reading on Fridays.  I bring it up because sports are games and it's all in good fun, but why must dating be about game playing you know?  Well that, and I wanted an excuse to bring up eye black (Girls are very attractive wearing eye black as just an aside).  Anyway, so you meet a girl at some place and you are supposed to wait, what, 2 days before you call her so you don't seem desperate?  On the other end, the girl's sitting at home waiting for the dude to call but he's at home practicing First Call 101.  The game playing begins.  You then go on your first date or whatever and you have to act half interested and half not.   

There are so many types of game playing. From taking a date your not interested in to a place where you know you'll run into someone you are interested in to make them jealous.  And what about the lead on?  I'm going to do this and this and this to show you I'm interested and then just not really be interested.  What is the point?  Why does this stuff exist?  Why can't it just be simple?  Hey I like you.  Let's go on a date.  I'll call you tomorrow and we can talk about it.  If I like you, I will show you in some way and I promise not to lead you on.  Wouldn't that make everything so much easier?

Instead, we have to go through these stupid games.  I get that it tests the other person's wit and if they truly are interested and in it for the long haul or whatever, but what ever happened to honesty?  I'd rather a person be straight up front with me from the start, you know.  I'm sure you ladies feel the same way.  I'm more attracted to those who wear their heart on their sleeve and let me know how they feel upfront.  Yet we are all guilty of game playing.  You almost do it without even knowing.  It's just the world we live in. Thanks to Jill for the topic idea.

Top 5 Romantic Comedies

5. 50 First Dates-I'm going to label this is the last good movie Adam Sandler did.  It's romantic that he wrote 'Forgetful Lucy' but also funny, and the plot of making her fall in love with him everyday is genius considering how hard it is to make a girl fall in love with you once.

4. Knocked Up-Yeah it's a 1 night stand that turns into a relationship.  Makes it funny and appealing to both sexes.  Seth Rogen is perfect casting and of course the movie has some rough patches and then ends with butterflies and rainbows like any chick flick.

3. What Women Want-Ummm Mel Gibson pre-crazy, except he dresses in drag in this.  He has the power to hear what women are thinking.  The guy first uses it to sleep with Marissa Tomei which I don't blame him, then he uses it to steal ideas at his work, which is awesome, then he grows a heart and falls for Helen Hunt.  I hope he doesn't get stranded on an island or Helen would go off and marry someone else and lose hope you are alive like Tom Hanks had to deal with in Cast Away.

2. How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days-This was my first date in my first super serious relationship so it probably shouldn't be this high but I'm biased.  If I have a moment in a movie, it changes how much I like it no matter how bad it is.  Just like with songs.  Anyway this flick does have Matt McConohay in it.  I know I butchered the spelling but he's a chick flick legend.

1. He's Just Not That Into You-Yes, it's almost like a bible for you lady readers.  I've read the book (thank you April for convincing me to) and it really helps with how relationships work and whatnot but the movie is hilarious and that lead chick is a cutie.  Ben Affleck's teeth are so white though it's hard to concentrate on the scenes he in because it feels like you are seeing the lights to the heavenly gates or something.  Lay off the bleach dude, but I've always been a fan of movies like Crash where 5 or 6 stories are followed that link together somehow, except Valentine's Day which sucked beyond end.  Highly recommended.  Highest rated chick flick in my top 100 favorite movies of all time.  Beaches is 2nd.

Winner of the Day: Alexis Clark.  She's this 1 year old who apparently won most beautiful eyes.  Who knew they vote for such a thing? Read About It.

Loser of the Day: Jennifer Harris.  She burned someone's house to the ground because the chick defriended her on facebook.  Come on now.  That's a little extreme.  See people, this is why I don't delete anyone. The Story

Quote of the Day: "Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."
- Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Song of the Day: Keeper of the Stars by Tracy Byrd

Sucky Canadian "Talent" of the Day: Nickelback


  1. Nickleback sucks!!!!!!!!!
    and sorry but i've seen prettier eyes than that baby's.

  2. I know Nickelback sucks hence why they won that award and who are you so I know who's eyes I'm judging.

    I'm not a huge fan of the baby's eyes either.

  3. Blue eyes are overrated, as are brown. I think people play games because they're afraid of love and rejection, or to feel loved. Afraid of love because they can't imagine being with the same person forever. Afraid of rejection because, well it sucks and kills our confidence. To feel loved, because if you need some attention in your relationship and you're not getting it the quickest fix is to play hard to get and not be so available. Or to cheat, but that's more than a game.
