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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Penn State did the Right Thing

Quote of the Day: ‎"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare."-Mark Twain

Today I was going to write about the use of "we" when referring to sports teams you root for and I may still write about it tomorrow, but I have to lead with yet again, the Penn State University scandal. Penn State's trustees fired the president of the university and the head football coach Joe Paterno, last night.  It had to happen though.  Yesterday, Paterno said he'd step down at the end of the season, but if Penn State hadn't gotten rid of him now, then it would be hard to say the college is handling this the right way.  Joe Paterno is a legend at Penn State.  He's coached for more than 60 years.  All of that means nothing in the whole scheme of life, you know.  He wasn't buying students strippers, boats, and cars like in Miami.  He wasn't housing a football star like at USC.  He wasn't turning a blind eye to trading jerseys for tattoos like at Ohio State.  Those were huge stories in the college sports world, but this crosses over.  This isn't a sports story.  It is a story of life.  Joe Paterno had to go.  The president had to go.  Everyone involved has to go.  You are talking about at least 9 kids that were alleged  (you know what I'm not even going to use the term alleged in this instance) taken advantage of and their childhood and lives were ruined.  These are someone's children.  You let this guy rape children on your watch in your buildings.  It is not right.  This is the worst story in sports history.  I don't know how you let this happen.  Don't blame it on your surperior..."Uhh I passed it on. Not my problem anymore." Joe. There is something called morals.  Do what is morally right.  I couldn't just sit there and turn a blind eye to this.  I'd struggle with it every day until I did something.  He only cared about football, and you know what, that is unacceptable.  They needed heads to roll and Joe branded himself as Penn State so he has to take responsibility for something so cruel.  I don't understand why people rioted.  The NCAA was talking about giving Miami the 'death penalty' for what happened down there.  I think Penn State should be punished worse than that.  I don't think they should be allowed a football team period after what happened.  Kind of like how we don't allow Germany or Japan to have a military.  What parent is going to want to sent their son to play for that school anyway?  And with the alleged word, this thing has been going on for 10 years and the guy definitely did it.  If you've read my blogs before I've mentioned that I believe strongly in innocent before proven guilty and if there is reasonable doubt at all you should be acquitted (Casey Anthony and Ryan Widmer both are guilty in my opinion but should have been acquitted because there is reasonable doubt).  This is different.  This is a series of crimes that could have been stopped.  I am ashamed to have ever rooted for Paterno, especially within the 10 years he knew about this stuff and let this guy bring kids around the program.  It's sickening.  I lost all respect for the man.  I have read the book, Something for Joey which shoes coach Paterno in a very bright light so I've always liked him and respected him as a coach. Through it all, don't forget about the victims here.  It s easy to forget about them and none of this will give them back their innocence no matter how many people get fired from Penn State.  Poor kids. Poor poor kids.

Grand Jury Presentment. Careful reading this; the details are gross.

Paterno stunned by firing in Penn State scandal AP article

Joe Paterno, Graham Spanier removed, ESPN article by Joe Schad

Penn State had to get rid of Joe Paterno ESPN article by Jemele Hill

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