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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Response to poopsoup, what I'm Thankful for, Cement Butt, and garbage trucks

Good morning to the lovely readers of David's Brain, the V.I.P. Section.  Today is Thanksgiving Eve.  I've already done some of the things I'm Thankful for but today I will do a few more...but first I must respond to this comment left by a regular reader yesterday...

poopsoup said...

You put your family on blast with the hairy soap talk. Also, this blog makes me realize that deep down you probably really hate me.

Loser of the Day: The driver of this garbage truck.  He hit and killed someone while on his route.  She is connected to politics so she is well-known. Read this.


  1. Poopsoup: he didn't put us on blast yesterday. It is the simple truth that our hair gets on the soap, it is annoying that there can be hair on the soap. Good blog today, David. I'm surprised that you didn't say that you were thankful for the mini-market though.

  2. Well, its certainly true that you lose the ability to portray sarcasm and jokes through written word. I said that about the soap because it was hilarious that you wrote it like it was a mystery considering it had to be one of the three women living in your house... unless... well, Ill leave it at that. Also, you misunderstood me when I said you'd hate me. I said that because while reading your pet peeves, I was like oh that's me, oh I do that, yep that too. I know you couldn't hate almost anyone, but especially not me. Sorry it came across that way, I wasn't looking for attention I was just making an attempt to be funny. FAIL. I can tell it struck a nerve with you. Apologies!!

  3. You struck no nerve. I just wanted you to know I don't hate you no matter what. And if you do some of my pet peeves that's okay because a lot of people do something that busts my balls, but it's okay it makes them, them. and you didn't fail you've had me laughing at your comments before keep them coming!

  4. I've decided my commenting days are over. I don't want to seem like a stalker, or an x, and I didn't realize this would seem weird to others. (I might just be a Facebook friend, no I didn't see this by hacking/stalking) I think what you have to say is interesting and I admire your honesty. This all started because I read a blog and realized I could make up a name, so the first funny thing I thought was poopsoup. I wish I could say there's some meaning behind it but there's not. I assure you, and others I'm totally sane. I just like harmlessly messing with people, I will say that everything I said in the blogs were my own opinion. Yeah, I have some strange opinions but I was never one to be ashamed of what I thought. I am a girl, I am a friend, and I know you least suspect me. I'm not a creep at all, and yes I know your family well. You probably assumed I was someone you met a few times but never really got to know, but you know more about me than almost anyone else. You did however hit the nail on the head with the low self confidence statement in your post. Not many people make you turn around completely before they jump in the pool. Hmm, hints hints. I did drop a big hint in a post that you didn't catch, I said blue eyes are overrated as are brown. Mine are green. Sometimes I blink. I wish I could count how many times I blink in a day. Probably somewhere between 181 and 183. Who knows. Oh, we have the whole family thing in common too especially the love for our sibling(s). Your mom might be able to tell you how awesome mine is. Well let's see, I know that when someone is sad you and your sidekick aka the Nemesis try to cheer others up by singing don't stop believin as loud as you possibly can. And one more thing, I've never eaten at the loyal, nor have I watched someone eat there. Well, I think I am unmasked now. It was a good run... ill end it the ole' poopsoup way. GOOD DAY SIR! (Willy wonka)
